Today is the 6th part of the 10 Flutter tips series. We’re looking at some really cool GitHub repositories around Flutter, for example UI presets and repos to learn Flutter.
Flutter Course Resources
This repo is really good and I wish I had known about it when I was learning Flutter. As the name suggests, this is a complete course for Flutter. You learn how to set up Flutter there, Git is taught and all sorts of apps. The nice thing about it is that you really just do projects and learn everything important. For example, you can build a weather app there or a bitcoin ticker, I mean, how cool is that?
I will definitely go through this course again because I think everyone can still learn something there!
This repository is official from Flutter and contains the source code of Flutter’s first-party plugins.
These are the following:
- camera
- espresso
- flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle
- google_maps_flutter
- google_sign_in
- image_picker
- in_app_purchase
- ios_platform_images
- local_auth
- path_provider
- plugin_platform_interface
- quick_actions
- shared_preferences
- url_launcher
- video_player
- webview_flutter
The repo contains some more plugins, but they are deprecated and have been replaced by the Flutter community.
Flutter Architecture Samples
Flutter Architecture Samples is a very simple repository where you can find many architecture samples for your projects.
Best Flutter UI Templates
A very good UI kit is Best Flutter UI Templates. You really have a lot of screens there which are super modern and offer a lot of inspiration.
Samples is a collection of open source samples that illustrate best practices for Flutter.
It has 21 samples and you should definitely check it out!
Flutter Example Apps
Well, this repository is really awesome! You’ll find so many example apps there (176) in all different categories, all of which have links to YouTube videos.
Flutter Screens
A collection of login screens, buttons, loaders and widgets can be found in the repo FlutterScreens. There are a lot of different components and it’s definitely worth a look.
Flutter UI Kit
The repository Flutter UI Kit is a collection of real world apps UIs build with flutter.
My Flutter Challenges
Another repository on GitHub is my_flutter_challenges. There you can find many useful UI apps made by Pedro Massango.
Awesome Flutter
This is not a package or anything, but a very useful repository on GitHub to really get to know Flutter properly. You can find everything there.
- Articles
- videos
- Components
- navigation
- template
- plugins
- Frameworks
- Experimental
- gaming
- Open Source Apps
- web
- utilities
- book
- bonus
- jobs
- community
As you can see from the listing, you can find everything about Flutter there and it is a must to be able to master Flutter really well.
Flutter Examples
flutter-examples is also a repository where you can see full explanations for all important widgets and pictures to see what really changes with certain properties. Also highly recommended to understand the widgets in Flutter really well!
Well, that’s it for the 6th part of the 10 Flutter tips series. I would be very happy about some claps, because this part took a lot of effort today and I always try to deliver the best possible content.