Learn Flutter & Dart like a pro — Dart Basics

Learn Flutter & Dart like a pro — Dart Basics

In the last article we installed Flutter & Dart and improved our setup with numerous Visual Studio Code Extensions. Now let’s take a look at the basics of Dart and learn the syntax of Dart.

Note: This series is not intended to teach you programming from scratch. You should already have an understanding of programming and now want to learn Dart & Flutter.

A simple Dart program

Now let’s look at the simplest dart program, a typical “Hello, World!” program. Every Dart program starts with a **main** function, which is later executed first.

Great! But this doesn’t help yet, because there is nothing between the {} that can be executed.

With the function print you can easily type something into the console.

As you can see, we wrote ‘ ’ inside of the brackets. These are there to represent a string. But you can also write strings with “ ” in Dart.

You can also see that there is a semicolon after the print. This is always needed after a statement in Dart. Complex statements, such as for-loops or if-queries, do not need a semicolon, but more about that later.

Very good, now we know how a Dart program is basically structured. Now let’s take a closer look at the individual topics.


You write a single line comment like this:

You can also write your comments over several lines:

Great! But there is another way to write comments, which is very useful for large comments:

Everything that is between the /* and the */ will be commented.

However, there are not only normal Comments in Dart. There are also Documentation Comments. You can write them with ///:

And over several lines:

Arithmetic Operations

To be able to perform calculations, we need arithmetic operations. These are, as in real mathematics, between the numbers.

  • Add: +
  • Subtract: -
  • Multiply: *
  • Divide: /

Okay, that was very simple. But Dart also offers Math functions, which can be very helpful. To do this you import the library dart:math:

(Now you have already learned how imports work. We will discuss this in more detail later).

Now you can call some functions like this:

  • min: Find the smallest value of something. Example: min(5, 10); will be 5.
  • max: Find out the largest value of something. Example: max(5, 10); will be 10.
  • sqrt: Gives you the square root of a number. Example: sqrt(3) is 1.732050808.

There are other functions like sin for sine functions or cos for cosine functions.

There is a lot more to say about the dart:math library. To learn more about it, you can check out the document: https://api.dart.dev/stable/2.16.1/dart-math/dart-math-library.html


That’s it for today. You have learned how a simple dart program is built and something about comments. You also know how to use mathematical functions.

A little exercise for you: Try to combine the functions used above.

In the next article of this series, we will deal with the use of variables.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day!

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